What is a glial cell?
A glial cell is a type of  non-neuron brain cell. (2)
Multiple glial cells are called glia. (2)
Glial cells are a part of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. (3)

What do glial cells do?
needed for proper brain function (5)
actively participate in brain signaling, and are necessary for the healthy function of neurons (2)
communicate to each other and to neurons using chemical signals, and can even respond to many of the same chemicals that neurons can, such as ions and neurotransmitters. (2)
* support neurons (3)

What do glial cells NOT do
glial cells cannot fire action potentials to communicate messages (2)

What are types of glial cells?

Where are glial cells located? 

How many glial  does an average adult human brain have? 
An average adult human brain contains approximately 100 billion gial cells – if not more. (5)

Do all glial cells produce dopamine?

1. https://www.bioexplorer.net/nerve-cell-types.html/
2. https://dana.org/article/cells-of-the-brain/
3. https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-are-glial-cells-and-what-do-they-do-4159734
