AKN / Boundaries 

Boundary Examples 

Q. What are some examples of boundaries?

A. Things that I do WANT and NOT WANT.

WANT DO NOT WANT Your Boundary Enforcement Your Boundary Crossed
I want to be physically touched only by my explicit permission. I do not WANT another being to touch me without my permission.
I want a certain amount of personal space around me. I do not WANT another being to come into my personal bubble. (aka the few feet around my body)
I want other people to talk to me about themselves and their lives. I do not WANT another person to say something to me about another person if they would not say that thing if that other person was standing with us also. (aka not to gossip)
I want other people to only listen  when I talk. I do NOT want another person to start talking while I am still talking. (aka not to interrupt me)
I want to receive advice from others when I ask for advice. I do NOT want another person to give me unsolicted advice.
I want to feel safe knowing that my belongs will be where I put them. I do NOT want another being to take someting that I own. (aka steal)
I want to be given options and choices.
I want to have people inspire and influence me.
I do NOT want to be told what to do. (aka VERB noun. Read this. Go here. Click this. You must do this. You need to understand this., etc.)
I want to be told the truth. I do NOT want to be lied to.
