
What is a myelin sheath?
The myelin sheath is a type of protective covering. (3)

What does a myelin sheath do?
Myelin is a fatty protective substance that acts as insulation for axons, helping to send signals over long distances. (1)

Where is myelin sheath found?
Myelin is mostly found in neurons that connect different brain regions, rather than the neurons whose axons retain in the local region. (1) 
The myelin sheath is found around the axons of many neurons in the nervous system. (3)

What is the myelin sheath made up of?
It is made up of a type of fatty substance (lipids) and protein. (3)

What happens if the myelin sheath is damaged? 
When the fatty myelin sheath begins to thin, a process known as demyelination, the axons‘s ability to send signals may become impaired. (1)
Some disease states can cause this myelin breakdown. (1)
A myelin sheath can technically repair itself, damage can be severe enough to kill the underlying nerve fiber. (1)
When the myelin sheath is damaged, nerve impulses slow or even stop, causing neurological problems. (2)

What causes damage to a myelin sheath?
a demyelinating disease

3. ChatGPT 4, 7/19/23, “What is the myelin sheath?”
