AKN / Ultraviolet Radiation

Learn about UVC

What is a UVC?
UVC is a type of ultraviolet radiation. (1)

UVC is the shorest wavelength. (1)

UVC is the highest energy level. (1)
UVC affects the outermost cells in the top laer of human skin. (1)
UCA can produce the short term effects of redness, ulcuers, and lesions, severe burns. (1)
UCA can produce long-term effects of skin cancer, premature aging.  (1)
Zero percent of UCA reaches the Earth. (1) 
UCA is filtered out by the atmosphere of the Earth. (1)

What is a source of UVC?
UVC lights(1)
mercury lamps(1)
welding torches (1)

1. https://www.healthline.com/health/skin/uva-vs-uvb#uv-radiation
