AKN / Vascular Plants / Vascular Tissues

What is phloem?
Phloem is the complex tissue that look like tubes (2), which acts as a transport system for soluble organic chemical compounds within vascular plants. (1)
The phloem is made of partically living cells, which help facilitate the transport of glucose via transport proteins found in the plant cell membranes. (1)

The phloem is connected to the xylem, and can add water to help dilute and move glucose. (1)

What does phloem look like?
(see pic here)

What is phloem made of?
The phloem is made up of living tissue, which uses turgor pressure and energy in the form of ATP to actively transport sugars to the plant organs such as the fruits, flowers, buds, and roots. (1)

Where is phloem located?
in the stem of a flower (3)

1. https://biologydictionary.net/phloem/
2. https://askabiologist.asu.edu/moving-sugars-plants
3. https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-5b23a4ed60889e7e331aaa3dddb41ef1
