AKN / Humans / Eyes
AKN / Cells

What is a cone cell?

Cone cells can be thought of as a high-quality video camera. (2)
A cone cell requires a large amount of light o operate and functional during daylight but are almost useless at night. (2)
A cone cell is a type of photoreceptor cell. (3)

What does a cone cell do?
A cone cell perceives color (1)
provides central (detail) vision  (1)

Where are cone cells located? 
Cone cells are located in the retina of the eye
Cone cells are located primarily in the rear of the eye. (2)
Cone cells tend to concentrate at two sites: the fovea centralis and the surrounding macula lutea. (3)

In general, the more cone cells per unit area of retina, the finer the detail that can be discriminated by that area. (3)

1. https://www.aao.org/eye-health/anatomy/parts-of-eye
2. https://bearingarms.com/brent-wheat/2015/12/02/rods-cones-keys-better-night-vision-n24045
3. https://www.britannica.com/science/retina
