AKN / Neurons

Learn about Axons

What is an axon?
A axon is a very thin nerve fiber that carries nerve impulses away from a neuron to another neuron. (2)

What contains axons?

Where is an axon located?
An axon is located on a cell body called the axon hillock. (2)

What does an axon do? 
An axon carries stimulus or signals away from a neuron towards a muscle or organ that is to be affected. (1)

An axon transmits the signals from the cell body to the brain and the spinal cord. (1)
An axon helps with cable transmission between neurons. (2)

An axon allows nerve cells to send electrical messages and chemical messages to other nerve cells, gland cells, and muscle cells. (2)

Axons form side branches called axon collaterals so they can send messages to several neurons at once. (2)

An axon sends signals out to surround neurons through the axon terminal. (3)

How long is an axon?
Axons come in all lengths, with some spanning the entire length of the human body from the spinal cord to the toes. (2)

How thick is an axon? 
An axon is generally thinner than a piece of human hair. (2)
The larger the diamter of an axon, the more quickly it can transmit messages. (2)

1. https://www.bioexplorer.net/nerve-cell-types.html/
2. https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-is-an-axon-5190652
3. https://dana.org/article/cells-of-the-brain/
